The Green Treasure brand is created by grower Vreugdenhil Bulbs & Plants from the Netherlands. A grower of various products that already started growing Caladium houseplants in 2012. However, the market was not ready for this unique product. That is why the grower stopped growing the product in 2015.
However, in the years without the Caladiums being available, the demand for Caladiums began to grow. This caused the grower to start thinking about a comeback. After various investigations and tests, they decided to grow Caladiums again. To respond to market demand and trends, the ‘Urban Caladium’ brand was created and introduced to the market in 2020.
After the succes in mid 2020, it was already time to re-brand the label into ‘Green Treasure’. This gives the opportunity to broaden the range of green house plants including Calathea. And bring consumers the hidden green treasures from the American continent to your living room!